Currently I am waiting on a Best Buy curbside order, because this is what shopping is like in 2020, in case I ever forget. While I wait, I have a chance to look through my photos from today’s day trip to the Huntington Gardens.

I got in a little after three, and with these short winter days the light was already dimming fairly quickly. The statue garden looked extremely peaceful in the glow.

It has been such a long time since my last visit that included a walk on the grounds. There were quite a lot of people, and lots of kids playing – all welcome ambiance knowing I could keep my distance and enjoy the fresh air.

Once twilight had begun sneaking in, the mood shifted and colors came into focus. The Golden barrel cactus seemed to glow as night was falling.

Aside from the HUJI App photos, I also had my Canon AE-1 and Lomo Actionsampler. I’ll be interested to see what I was able to capture with the Canon as I had Cinestill 50 in there, and clearly not at the most compatible time light-wise. However it has been exposed already, just not sure what journey the film had take previously.

I tried getting some koi with the actionsampler and a few shots of kids playing on the grounds.